8th Kyu for Antony, 7th Kyu Ho for David
David started Karate late last year. Since I have been working at home a lot this year I found myself taking him to class on many occasions. After a month or so of this I got tired of watching the class from the back of the gym and decided to sign up and join in. By the time I joined David had already achieved his 8th Kyu (yellow belt).
In the time since I started he has achieved his 7th Kyu Ho. You can just see the orange tape on the end of his belt. This signifies approximately the halfway point to his orange belt.
Last weekend I, finally, got to my first grading to go for my yellow belt. As you can see from the photo attached I was successful so, at least for the next month or so, we are pretty much on the same grade (he has his orange tip). He is hoping to grade next month so then the challenge will be back on!
I have to say, in the short time I have been doing it I have noticed improved flexibility and fitness and it is definitely helping with David’s fitness.