Busy Weekend
Wow, we have just finished an incredibly busy weekend. It is almost good to be at work to have a rest today.
It all started off with an 8am start on Saturday morning. I mean, other than for skiing who starts early on Saturday? We were down at the new local ALDI at 8.30am (ok, we slept in) to start setting up for a barbeque for the day. Wendy had the joyful task of organising a fundraising bbq for the day (and the previous Wednesday) at the opening of the new shopping centre at the back of our estate. 8.45am -11am was spent pretty much cooking sausages and onions whilst kid wrangling!
David got his hair painted blue and red (go bulldogs) at some stage of the morning. He did disappear with a couple of his mates for a while. Turns out that Triple M were keeping them busy trying to win prizes. No luck there.
Around 11am it was off home to get changed ready for basketball. We picked up James on the way and turned up at the courts half an hour early. Better early than late I guess. We were playing a team that had just come up from the under 8’s where they had been dominating. Kylan’s brother and a mate of his turned up and really helped with the coaching for the match. Good to have some experienced players around, sounds like they might come help at practice as well. The short version is that we won the game 16-10 so it was a good result.
Back to the Barbeque after that. I grabbed David, James and Charlotte and let them play at our place for an hour or so while Wendy got sunburnt at the BBQ. Finally went back down for the last hour (and a half). We managed to sell all the sausages we had cooked and I think we made a great profit from the two days. We went back home and crashed after that.
Sunday was a late start. We headed into the city to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It was, I have to say, one of the better musicals I have been to. David was on the front of his seat for a lot of it. Reminder to Wendy though, don’t book a musical on the same day as Chinese New Year when the theatre is just around the corner from China Town!!
We had dinner in town (KFC, go figure) then home and crashed again. It doesn’t sound like a very long day but, between full car parks, navigating city traffic and a two and a half hour show it all added up.