Basketball and Illness
We have just finished a “long” weekend. Â Although it was only a two day weekend as normal it feels like it was much longer than that.
It really started on Friday. Â David had a ride to school day so I worked from home so that I could walk with him while he scootered to school in the morning. Â Luckily the rain let up long enough for the trip to school.
After school, when I picked him up, he wanted to scooter home so we kind of played leapfrog on the way home with me driving ahead and waiting for him. Â We got as far as the park near home before it really dumped down. Â Anyway we got home fine after that.
Saturday was Basketball day. Â David was a little bit less enthusiastic during the game than normal but we thought this was just due to the exercise from the day before. Â Not so, as we found out that evening when he ran a temperature. Â We finally got that under control after convincing him to take some Panadol. Â All was good, so we thought, until he came at some time in the morning to tell us he had been sick.
Sunday was more of the same, with David doing the usual sick thing and wanting to be waited on hand and foot.
This morning he still had a slight temperature but this finally seems to be under control so hopefully tomorrow will be a normal day with school and work and everything else.